In 2011, we formed an NGO in Honduras to grow our work in and around the hospital of La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras.
We are excited about what God is doing in and through HRM. In 2004, we received a vision of serving the Lord in Honduras. This vision came through dreams and confirmations. We started to prepare by attending a Discipleship course with Focus on the Harvest Ministries with Teri Nance and taking a course called Perspectives on World Missions by the US Center for world mission.Almost three years ago we took a confirmation trip with our then 15 year old. This three week trip was our final confirmation that we were to move to Honduras. We moved in August 2007 to put in practice what we learned in Perspectives and FOH.
We began by using translators. This proved nominally successful, at best. We realized that if we were to have a sustainable culture changing ministry we needed to become fluent in Spanish. Therefore, we attended a Spanish Immersion program.
We have been working with the local hospital, school, and teams that came on short term missions trips since 2007. Melissa headed up medical brigades and I worked with computers when not teaching or working on a nutrition project. We have received food from Feed the Children for a feeding center and will be receiving cows as part of a Heifer International project. We receive seeds from Seeds of Hope to help with the nutrition project. We have also received solar powered MP3 players for small group bible studies for illiterate Hondurans in remote villages.
Our Mission is to:
To Show, Teach, and Release Gods Love to the world by meeting physical and relational needs; mentoring and teaching a Christ directed life; and encouraging others into ministry.
In 2011, we formed an NGO in Honduras to grow our work in and around the hospital of La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras.
Discipleship Training
We are disciplining the Nations through this training program using zoom to teach in 5 languages throughout Honduras, Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine.
come and participate with us from where you are using Zoom. Sigh up here
We are following our passion, enabling others to live better while introducing Christ into their lives. We ask you to partner with us. Please pray for Heaven’s Reach Ministries as we allow God to use us to show, teach and release His love to the world.