Showing God’s love to the world

Honduras needs your help.

With a population of 10 million people, Honduras is the second-poorest country in Central America and one of the poorest in the Western Hemisphere.  The World Bank reports that more than 48% of Honduras’ population lives below the poverty line, with one in five Hondurans living on less than $3 per day.

In 2021, hurricanes Eta and Iota delivered back-to-back blows, destroying crops, and displacing almost 500,000 people. While still recovering, Honduras was affected by 11 hurricanes this year alone causing widespread flooding. 

To date, 144,000 people have been affected by tropical storm Julia, which exacerbated the situation of saturation and flooding in different parts of the country, where 15 of the 18 departments of Honduras were affected.

Prior to the impact of Tropical Storm Julia, in September, a national emergency was declared due to the rainy season that has registered intense above-average rainfall, which left more than 84,000 affected, 16 dead and more than 3,500 homes destroyed/damaged.

We are asking for donations of necessities, help collecting and shipping them. Funds can be given on our website, mailed to HRM Hurricane Relief, P. O. Box 608, Springdale, AR 72745 or wired to Signature Bank of Arkansas. We have access to a warehouse in Tunica, Mississippi. Give now!

For more information call 479-200-7379 or email

We were praying for multiplication in a recent mission’s conference.

We are starting to introduce the projects into other countrys as we continue to work in Honduras.

A fellow missionary asked us a few years ago how we did our clinics and if we could help her with one in Honduras. We prayed and felt led to do so. By the time we were able to put things together she was not able to receive one. So we started to pray and talk to some other missionaries and ministers in the areas. I met a pastor in a mission conference in Wisconsin who's wife was a doctor and they did outreaches. The next year I prayed where we might put a clinic in Romania and dropped a google map pin in a small gipsy village. We continued to pray and talk to people about it. Then Melissa pastor Belea from Romania in Texas. He did medical things as well as a bible school. So we did a conference call with him. Turns out he was the same pastor I met in Wisconsin. Then I went to a conference in Iowa and met a missionaries who had a bible school in Romania. I asked them if they know Pastor Belea and they said “Yes, he graduated from our bible school years ago.” So we are working with him to do a clinic in Brasov. Please pray for this partnership. We have a couple who started working in Romania from our home church so I asked them if they were interested in a clinic. They said yes and we conference called their contacts in Romania and we will start working with them also. They have a church there where we can put a clinic. 

Three days later I called the organization that is giving us the container made into a clinic with everything we need to operate for a year. If the clinic for Brasov is loaded. And they were loading it then. I mentioned to them that I would be asking for another one for the gipsy village next year. They responded that they had one just that morning that was released from its assignment and was available if we wanted it. Of course, I said yes. Now we have one for Brasov and one for the village. I got to looking at the address of the church where we will be putting the second clinic and it is 190 meters from the pin I dropped a few years ago. That is God!!!

Please be praying for these clinics and the people they will be serving. We are raising the funds to get it there and sustain it. It will take $5,000 a month to run them once up. We still need to get them there prepare the land and set them up. Apply for the license and open them also. All of these things have costs. Please pray for the budget for all of these things. We think we will need $40,000 to get them open.

There are so many hurting people in the world seeking answers to their problems. God knows each one before they come to Him. He uses Heaven’s Reach to meet those needs and point them to the true answer to life’s problems; His son Jesus Christ. We pray for each person that comes to our clinic, farm, and teaching programs. We show Gods love while introducing them to him. We feed the hungry, treat the sick, and teach life skills and discipleship in Honduras and soon we will be in Romania.

For years, other ministries have asked us to help them start programs like ours in other countries. 

This last year the doors began opening. One door is to start work in Romania. 

We prayed and received a clinic for Romania.  The clinic is just like the others we have in Honduras. They are setup as a family practice. We are working with the local ministries to find a place for the clinic that would lend the best Kingdom benefit of medicine and ministry.

Please pray with us for the provision of land, funding and staffing of this clinic and church. We are planning a trip to Romania to finalize the location and start work duplicating the programs we have in Honduras. We will be working to serve God reaching the poor of Romania. We are praying for teams to come be a part of this next chapter of Heaven’s Reach Ministries as the  work in Honduras continues. 

Romania's poor population is the poorest among the 28 European Union member states' poor populations as its annual income are below EUR 1,000 per person, according to NGO project The Social Monitor. ... Child poverty is high and rising,“ European Commission said in its latest country report on Romania.

One in five rural people lack access to potable water, and a third live without access to a flush toilet. The Roma, a minority group, face especially difficult circumstances, with an employment rate of just 28 percent and a poverty rate approaching 70 percent.

We must move!!! Please Pray! We have a lot of news this month on our Hot News page.

Victory Farms: A Dream to Reach

Victory Farms started as a dream to reach and empower those who have land and do not know now to utilize it. We have been using 50 acres under a free lease for 7 years. We are now at the end of that time and need to move. Read more

At The Feeding Center

Thanks to our partners prayers and support the love of God continues to be shown and taught in the feeding center. Leset comes and brings her mom. They both eat food and bible. 

Today she knows that God loves her and created her for his purpose. Her mom is learning that God has a plan for her and her family. Together they are experiencing the providence of word in actions. Please pray for these kids and their families. 

Become a Monthly Partner Today!

The Journey

The Journey that is Heaven’s Reach Ministry is a A narrated and illustrated radio interview of Dean Lowman about how Heaven's Reach began and grew to what it is today. Below are clips of this video. 


Through our general family clinic Love of God Medical Clinic, We provide doctor visits, lab tests, ministry and medicine to over 10,000 patients a year.

Our feeding center feeds and disciples the children of Lepaterique near the dump of La Esperanza, Intibucá, Honduras. These kids are growing and learning God’s way for their lives.

Victory Farms is a sustainable demonstration farm project where we grow food, teach farmers, and disciple the participants empowering the local farmers to sustain themselves and their families.

Help us sustain these projects: 

We have been able to do so much with past gifts of people like you. Thank you for choosing Heaven’s Reach Ministry to be your partner. Together we will change lives and transform cultures and make difference around the world. Just as we are in Delia’s life (picture below) and her family. Just one of the children who comes to our feeding center. Every Dollar Makes A Difference. 

Monthly funding:  Budgeted $15,650; Receiving 5,650 36% Opportunity $10,000 (updated Sept  2018)

Please consider becoming a monthly partner and be a continued part of this ministry and all we do. Below is our list of current projects waiting funds to complete with your one time gift.

If you would like to become a financial partner, you can donate online or make a check payable to HRM and mail it to


P. O. Box 608

Lowell, AR  72745.  

We also have gift in-kind opportunities including  Medical supplies and equipment:  for a list of equipment and supplies we are looking for, please contact us by phone or email us at

We are now able to import these items tax free through our NGO.  

To make a one time donation click below.


There is still work to be done:

Can I count on you to step forward again in faith? You’ve seen the power of influence your dollars have accomplished. Would you like to see that continue and grow?

As the year end approaches, Heaven’s Reach Ministries wants to open another medical clinic. The US Air Force has already transported it for free, an incredible blessing and huge cost saving. However, it will need your dollars to stock the unit and give the staff the tools and medicine to begin saving lives. Every dollar you donate count and we keep our administrative costs low which makes your donation even more powerful.

We need to have plans in place before Christmas  and your contribution and private information is secure using our ‘safety-assured’ DONATE links.

Please, reach inside your heart and donate today.

Healing the Sick in the

Love Of God Medical Clinic

Hunger in Honduras

According to the WFP

With one in every four children suffering from chronic malnutrition, one doesn't have to look far in Honduras to find a child in desperate need of food. 

Food insecurity does not only affect children. It also impacts all sectors of this country, especially the rural population, 75 percent of whom live in extreme poverty.

An estimated 1.5 million Hondurans face hunger, and recurrent natural disasters continue to threaten the most vulnerable people. One-third of the population lives on less than one dollar a day. 

Honduras is one of the most vulnerable countries to natural disasters in the world and extreme weather conditions frequently contribute to the problem of food insecurity. Hurricanes and prolonged heavy rains ruin crops and can prevent access to food and other basic necessities.

Prolonged droughts every other year have affected the food and nutritional security of the most vulnerable populations in the southern and western regions of Honduras.

Through our feeding center and Victory Farms we are responding to these statistics. Showing them that God loves them and teaching them how to live the way God wants them to live.

Please pray for these children and their families.

Our next clinic is in Honduras!

The Love of God Medical clinic is open full time and serving between 700 and 900 a month. With a full time doctor and two full time nurses this clinic is not just meeting physical needs but ministering to each person that comes through. Pray for this clinic, its staff, and its patients. God is moving in Yamaranguila through this clinic. 

Pray for the budget for this clinic also. We are receiving $400 of the $3,500 needed to keep it open. 

Give today and help keep this clinic open

This sea container was shipped to Honduras and will become a part of our prenatal program in partnership with the health department to introduce modern education and testing  to the comunities in the mountains while disciple young mothers.

A Clinic in a Can!

We opened the clinic and are looking to raise the budget to sustain this clinic the budget is $2,500 for staff and $1,000 for meds and supplies. Donate now!

We are looking for teams and interns to come and be a part of Heaven’s Reach Ministries. There is a lot of great things to be done and you can be a part of reaching Honduras and the world. Starting with these kids who are waiting for the next time we can visit. 

With your help we can visit them more often and have a bigger impact in their lives, families and communities. Write us today and see how you can become a part of our team. contact now

This just in! Now you can buy online and help Heaven's Reach Ministries at the same time!

What are they looking for? They are looking for life. We show them life.

We go to show, teach, and release God's love to the world by meeting physical and relational needs; mentoring and teaching a Christ directed life; and encouraging others into ministry.

How can you teach the love of God if you do not first show the love of God? 

Through our programs, we first soften the soil by showing God's love. Then we teach people that life comes from God's love. We empower them to become disciples who make disciples.

Come along and become God's love to others by considering a Mission Trip, an Internship, or a long-term assignment.


Sustainable Healthy Living:  More than just nutrition, it is empowerment on the pathway to a healthy physical and spiritual life.

    We are a 501c3

Become a Monthly Partner

Jeremiah (Jeremias in Spanish) went to Gracias with his dad as part of our Medical Assistance Program. 

We have been working with him since 2007.  Jeremiah has a debilitating birth defect that has bent his legs.  As a result, he walks with difficulty on the sides of his feet. 

We connected Jeremiah with the Luke Society, and through them, he has received several surgeries. 

They are continuing to work on his behalf to apply for a program that will bring him to the US for more treatment. 

We are one more step closer to approval. The program would fly him to the US for a series of surgeries to correct the defects in his legs and feet.

Conferences are a part of what we do in Honduras.

We partner with the pastoral alliances of the departments of Intibuca and Lempira to prove needed enhancement and training to the local pastors of those departments.

Victory Farms is a Sustainable Agricultural Education program to teach substance farmers to use the resources near their farms to improve production and eat better.  We are currently raising the funds to complete this project.  Read more

Show the love of God through medical, educational, and agricultural missions.  Come to Honduras and experience missions first hand.

If you are interested in Heaven’s Reach Ministries and would like to help, we invite you to prayerfully consider becoming our partner.  There are many opportunities listed on our partner page for you to get connected and make a difference.  Come and see.

The first pond of the Tilapia Farm 

Providing protein to the women in the Alberge.

    We are a 501c3

Giving a Healthy Life

Many farmers in the remote parts of Honduras eat only what they grow.  When they do not grow enough to last, they and their families go hungry.  It is women from families like these that our Sustainable Healthy Living program is designed to help. 

For the last month of their pregnancy, they stay at the Hospital waiting to deliver their babies.  It is during this time that we provide food, teach them about nutrition and health, and give them seeds to take home. 

These seeds will grow into the vegetables they and their families need in order to get the vitamins and minerals they are missing in their diets.

405 baby fish will be ready to harvest in 3 months soon after producing babies for the next round of fish.

Seal the Deal for Missions

Going on now!   Seal the deal for missions with the Tupperware Fundraiser for Heaven’s Reach Ministries where 40% of your purchases go to help the poor of Honduras. Just go to Tupperware and order and 40% of the product prices will go to the HRM.